A Christmas Twist

A Christmas Twist We were born and raised in Bethlehem. We were firm friends and had lived in Bethlehem our entire lives and we were there on the glorious day that Jesus Christ was born. We saw the star in the sky, we heard the Angels sing and we saw the Shepherds, all of which pointed to the great occasion. We played our part, in fact, I might be so bold as to say that we got the place ready and warm on the day He was born. You heard about the manger where Jesus was laid, well I made sure that there was hay in the manger so that when Mary laid her beautiful baby down, He was comfortable. I like to think of us as the welcoming committee. I, for one, made sure that the area was tidy and, that no one made a mess and that there was extra hay to support Mary and Joseph when they had to sit and rest from time to time. I made sure that things were done properly because I knew that our little town was going to be put on the map forever…….    ♫ O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see you lie! Above your deep and dreamless sleep, the silent stars go by: yet in your dark streets shining is everlasting light; the hopes and fears of all the years are met in you tonight. O morning stars, together proclaim the holy birth, and praises sing to God the King, and peace to all the earth. For Christ is born of Mary; and, gathered all...

U Murder U (Suicide) – Author Interview

U Murder U (Suicide) Combines Riveting Fiction With A Much Needed Campaign  FEB 22, 2023 S On The Table Read, “the best book magazine in the UK“, Gladys Lawson, a pathology manager and author, wrote U Murder U (Suicide), a hard-hitting book about Anna Lee Lewis and her ability to hear from people who have killed themselves. Talk To Someone (TTS) Glady Lawson’s U Murder U (Suicide) could not be more timely, tragic, or urgent given the charity Young Minds UK’s October report that suicide rates among 15- to 19-year-olds are at their highest level in 30 years. U Murder U (Suicide) Gladys Lawson weaves harrowing fact with compelling fiction in a plot that has at its core the message she has worked so hard to convey through her online campaign, Talk To Someone (TTS), and almost everyone knows someone who has killed themselves or has been affected by the ripples of someone taking their own life.TrendingBased On Real-World Experiences, Death In A Time Of Conspiracy Is An Authentic Thriller U Murder U (Suicide) U Murder U (Suicide) offers readers a lot to think about, will make them cry, laugh, and have a lot of conversations. Gladys Lawson is an inspiring advocate for communication when it matters most, and she deserves to be congratulated for bringing suicide out of the shadows and making it a topic that deserves our undivided attention. Demand for mental health support is significantly higher than supply. Ten young people meet for a suicide pact one day in a Central London hospital. It turns out that this is just the first of many planned suicide pacts....

Lord God King of Everything

Where were you? Taken from the novel ‘U Murder U (Suicide)’ Where were You? When I was lonely and lost and had no hope When I was homeless and when I was broke When I cried and cried for an answered prayer When everywhere I looked was full of despair Where were You? I was in the wind blowing that day, directing your footsteps towards a better way I was in the hot cup of tea and the friendly smile given to you on that cold day I heard your prayer before it was said and I answered it but you it misread I too see the despair, I too feel the pain and send solutions again . . . and again.  So where are you? What do you do with the directions I give? How do you respond to the smile from a stranger’s lips? Why do you misread your answered prayers? Why do you not use the solutions I send? I am here, always was and always will be I am in the opening of eyes and what they see I am in the mother’s joy and newborn’s cry I am in the comfort given when loved ones die I am everywhere and in Me there is no despair I AM . . . Omnipresent! Omniscient! Omnipotent!   I . . . AM . . . LOVE! Ebooks from GLL Publishing available at Amazon, Smashwords etc – Books also available via www.gllpublishing.com Despite all odds: A Dream Fulfilled Part 1 Despite all odds: A Dream Fulfilled Part 2 Truths, Lies And Untold Secrets Blood Borne Connections U Murder...

Truths, Lies And Untold Secrets

Truths, Lies And Untold Secrets By Gladys Lawson Full Synopsis The ‘Secret’ was first transcribed in 1859 in the journal of Mary Laurelle. Over one hundred years later, her descendant, Julius Maxwell Kempalos, grows up in America under the rule of the mafia, headed by his elusive, overbearing grandfather, Don Kempalos. Surrounded by years of secrets and lies, Julius and three of his college friends meet one night and form the ‘Agency’ to fight against the corruption that seems to be engulfing 1970s America. That night, the foundations are laid for a new bill that, if made into law, will change the lives of millions. With the seeds of change sown, Julius summons the courage and breaks free of his mafia connections; but his problems are just beginning. He falls in love, secretly starts his own family, and is determined to keep them as far away from the corruption he grew up with. Attempts made to harm his wife and children force him to give them up in order to protect them. As the years pass, his children grow up unaware of his existence. He changes his name to Maxwell Kemp and focuses on the ‘Agency’ and on secretly undoing his grandfather’s legacy of drugs, gun smuggling, human sex trafficking and corruption. He focuses on destroying this legacy. Through the many turns and twists that evolve Maxwell is finally reunited with his wife and children. Truths, Lies And Untold Secrets delves into the consequences of secrets and the devastating effect they may or may not have when they are exposed. Ebooks from GLL Publishing are available at Amazon, Smashwords...

Have Faith – Faith Moves Mountains

Faith in God is knowing that no matter what – God will take care of you and all that concerns you – so have faith and see those mountains move.     Ebooks from GLL Publishing available at Amazon, Smashwords etc – Books also available via www.gllpublishing.com Despite all odds: A Dream Fulfilled Part 1 Despite all odds: A Dream Fulfilled Part 2 Truths, Lies And Untold Secrets Blood Borne Connections U Murder U (Suicide) www.gllpublishing.com https://www.facebook.com/gllpublishings.co.uk?ref=hl https://www.facebook.com/Blood-Borne-Connections-book-121559344708084/?ref=hl TGBTG SFGK...

May 2022 Be Our Best Year Yet!

  Ebooks from GLL Publishing available at Amazon, Smashwords etc – Books also available via www.gllpublishing.com Despite all odds: A Dream Fulfilled Part 1 Despite all odds: A Dream Fulfilled Part 2 Truths, Lies And Untold Secrets Blood Borne Connections U Murder U (Suicide) www.gllpublishing.com https://www.facebook.com/gllpublishings.co.uk?ref=hl https://www.facebook.com/Blood-Borne-Connections-book-121559344708084/?ref=hl TGBTG SFGK...