What gives a man the knowledge that he can have it all?
What gives a man the knowledge that ‘united’ men stand tall?
What gives a man the wisdom to seek a better way?
What gives a man the courage to live in honesty each day? ……….Love.
What gives a man the right to think he is better than another?
What gives a man the right to judge another on his colour?
What gives a man the right to destroy what others have built?
What gives a man the right to live in sin and have no guilt? ………Hate.
What gives a man the knowledge that he can have it all?
What gives a man the knowledge that ‘united’ men stand tall?
What gives a man the wisdom to seek a better way?
What gives a man the courage to live in honesty each day? ……….Love.
Created in Love man was never meant to live in hate.
So what gives a man to do the right thing, surely a man who gives a damn.
(taken from Truths, Lies and Untold Secrets)
If you do not care about your fellow man then who will?
If your fellow man does not care about you then who will?
Gone is the day of me, myself and mine
Now has to be the day of we, of us and of ours . . .
United we are strong
Divided we are weak
Ebooks from GLL Publishing available at Amazon, Smashwords etc – Books also available via www.gllpublishing.com
Despite all odds: A Dream Fulfilled Part 1
Despite all odds: A Dream Fulfilled Part 2
Truths, Lies And Untold Secrets
Blood Borne Connections
U Murder U (Suicide)