Christmas in Atlanta at Martin Luther King Jr’s House


Martin Luther King Jr’s House in Atlanta Georgia




In front of the house



Eternal Flame



I spent Christmas 2015 in Atlanta and one of the places I took my children to was Martin Luther King Jr’s House, the King Center and the Ebenezer Baptist Church so that we could experience history. It was amazing to see so many photographs and video clips as well as hear stories about the King family and how things were when Martin his brother and sister were growing up. I took so many pictures and have put a few here to share with you. I heard a recital of the ‘I Have A Dream’ speech in the Ebenezer Baptist Church and when the words ‘Free at last, I’m free at last, thank God Almighty I’m free at last’ were said I literally felt goosebumps form on my arms.

Going to Atlanta and seeing where Martin Luther King Jr was born, listening to all the things he and the many other people who worked with him did and the difference they made has inspired me to push forward in 2016 and work hard to fulfil my dreams and make a difference in my life and the lives of others.

I hope 2016 is a great year for you, I hope that you push forward inspired by the lives of others who have come before you to make your life and the lives of others who are currently here and those who will come after you – better.



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