“What gives a man the right to think he is better than another?
What gives a man the right to judge another on his colour?
What gives a man the right to destroy what others have built?
What gives a man the right to live in sin and have no guilt?
What gives a man the knowledge that he can have it all?
What gives a man the knowledge that ‘united’ men stand tall?
What gives a man the wisdom to seek a better way?
What gives a man the courage to live in honesty each day?
Created in Love man was never meant to live in hate.
So what gives a man, surely a man who gives a damn.”
Taken from Truths, Lies And Untold Secrets
Ebooks from GLL Publishing available at Amazon, Smashwords etc – Books also available via www.gllpublishing.com
Despite all odds: A Dream Fulfilled Part 1
Despite all odds: A Dream Fulfilled Part 2
Truths, Lies And Untold Secrets
Blood Borne Connections
U Murder U (Suicide)
Read Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 of Blood Borne Connections – https://gladyslawson.wordpress.com/